Friday, August 16, 2013

Finding Support

After Liz was diagnosed, I felt absolutely overwhelmed. I was given an awesome opportunity to travel to Columbus,Ohio for an Autism Speaks Conference. While there, I discovered so much support. Suddenly, I didn't feel so alone. These were parents who knew what I felt. They knew the challenges that I faced on a daily basis, and most of all they had experience. This was a major turning point for me. I was able to learn about the Autism Treatment Network and the amazing things that they are doing for people.
After my trip to Columbus, I came home and immediately made an appointment with the nurse practitioner in town. She ran several tests and referred us to local therapy, a GI, and the Autism Treatment Network. I am beyond thrilled to finally be moving in the right direction.
I know that through the help of the school, our nurse practitioner, Liz's dance teacher,family, friends, and all those involved in her life she will be able to have great success in life. I didn't realize it but over the last year I have built an awesome support system for her. Sometimes I still feel overwhelmed and wonder what her life will be like, but then I try to remember that we have people around her who love her and want her to be successful.

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