Friday, September 13, 2013


Almost exactly a year ago I began fighting for Lizzybug. I knew that she had a speech delay, but the district preschool wouldn't take her because they believed it was her ears (she was having ear infections at the time). I knew it was much more. So I fought from September 2012 until March 2013. Finally, they realized the problem and took her. Too bad all those months were wasted and you can't make up for lost time.

It seems like every small request I make is a battle. Why is it so hard for people to just listen to me? I know my daughter, and I know what she needs.  Today I had to walk out of an IEP meeting. I could no longer trust my emotions. As I walked to my car, I fell to the ground, and I cried. I cried beause I am so tired of the fight. I am tired of an under funded school system. I am tired of under funded resources. Something has to change. That change has to start with parents like me who are fed up.

Because my child is high functioning she slips through the cracks. Because she is high functioning people seem to think that she doesn't need as much help as other kids. I would invite them to come to my home. To live with what I live with on a regular basis. Yes, my child does need help!

It's not even just the school system that has me on edge lately. I can't even find a dentist in our area. In fact, one dentist had the nerve to tell me that they don't see kids with "health problems." I'm afraid that conversation did not end well.

Today I feel angry. I feel frustrated. I feel sad. I feel disappointed. I feel tired. I guess I feel like an autism mom!

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