Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How do you do it?

I have someone ask me this at least once a week, and I never know how to respond. The only answer I have is, "I just do." I don't have a choice not to. I know some days I do better than others. Some days I survive on survival mode, and I do the bare minimum. I have had to learn that that is okay. I do have a few tips for special needs parents.

#1. Take care of yourself. A happy mom is a good parent. Take time for you. Do something that you enjoy.
#2. Have a supportive spouse. As spouses you need to met each other in the middle. Give each other breaks. If you feel like your spouses isn't helping enough nicely talk with them about it. My husband is my biggest support system. I couldn't live without him.
#3. Find a support group. If you can not find one, make one! I have found a lot of support in my once a month meetings. It is so important to have someone to talk to.
#4. Take up a hobby. This somewhat relates to #1. I think it is important to have a hobby that is just about you. I enjoy running.  is my time to think and reflect on my day.
#5. Keep a stash. A stash of goodies that is. Some times the best part of my day is putting the kids to bed and spoiling myself with goodies from my stash.
#6. Good Therapy. For your child or yourself if you need it. I have found a lot of hope via Lizzybug's therapist. They have moved mountains for us.
#7. Volunteer. If you feel like you can handle the extra stress, find a way to give back to the special needs community. Just make sure this isn't something that will add to your stress. For me, I enjoy giving back to the community, and being involved in various causes.
#8. Take it easy on yourself. If you don't feel up to cooking dinner do not feel bad about swinging through the McDonald's drive thru. If you have a sink full of dishes, that's ok, too. You don't need to be perfect!
#9. Take time to enjoy your child. At times, it is easy to get caught up in the diagnosis and doctor appointments. Take the time to just sit and spend time with them. Those times are special, and they help me understand my kids.
#10. Work on your marriage. Take time to date each other. Many of our dates are spent at home after bedtime. We have enjoyed movie nights, star gazing, or just talking. You do not have to leave the house to have a nice date night.  Make sure that you and your spouse are communicating about concerns you may have.

These are some of the ways I do it (in no certain order). I have learned to be a guilt free parent, and to enjoy time to myself. I have to give a huge shout out to my husband. He has been so understanding of my needs, and has made sure that I have time for myself to do things that I enjoy. It's important to remember that you are more than a Mom. You are a person just liek your children, and you have needs just like them.

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