Saturday, September 13, 2014

It's Never to Early to Think About Time Change

There are 2 days a year that I dread, the day daylight savings time begins and the day it ends. It can literally take weeks for Liz to adjust. I'm the past, I have dealt with 3 and 4 AM wakeups until the time changes back several months later. I can be exhausting.
This time I'm fighting back!  We are roughly 7 weeks away from falling back. I plan to move Liz's bedtime back 5 minutes each week. Then we have a week to adjust before the change even hits.
I'm also planning to invest in a toddler alarm clock that changes colors to let her know when it is ok to get out of bed.
I have high hopes that one of these methods will work! Otherwise, I will be available to talk at 3 or 4 AM starting November 2.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Don't Fear the Label, Embrace It!

It's 2014,  and we still live in a society that fears "labels." Instead of viewing labels as a way to better understand a person, we see labels as something bad. In reality,  labels help us unlock potential in those who possess them. It wasn't until Liz began OT that I truly saw how incredible her mind was. Her label unlocked OT for us.

I won't lie.  After we received our referral to have Liz evaluated for autism, it took me a few months to even call and make the appointment.  I struggled with accepting that something could be wrong with my child. One day, I realized my child was not happy,  and neither was I. That was a major turning point for me. I realized I had to do something. 

To all the parents out there who know something is off, but you aren't sure whether you want to label your child, I promise it will be the best thing you ever do for your child. Don't be scared of the label. You will soon realize what a remarkable and amazing thing that label is. It will open up so many doors for your child.  It will make things easier for you. Just take the leap and do it!