Friday, December 20, 2013

6 Months Into Our Journey

This post is about me. This post is about how I over came the greatest obstacle put before me. It is about how I embraced it, how I have learned to love it. Most of all it is about how I wouldn't change it for the world.

6 months ago I sat on a couch, clinging tight to my husband's hand while a therapist told us that our Lizzybug had autism. At the time it was tragic. It felt like I had lost my child. I was confused and over whelmed. I did not know where to go from there. It was if a door had been slammed in my face, and there was no where else to turn.

Over the first few weeks and months, I was mad with God. How could he do this to us? Why did my daughter have to suffer? Those were the thoughts that went through my mind. I spent hours on my knees begging for answers. I begged for peace.

Occupational Therapy ended up being an answer to my prayers. During those first sessions, I watched my daughter bloom. I began to realize that I had not lost her, I had never really known her. Those sessions allowed me to peak into her mind. I watched her determination, I watched her tackle things that were really hard for her. I finally knew my Lizzybug!

Because of ASD I have learned some things about myself as well. I have learned I have more strength than I thought possible. I have found patience that I did not even know I had. I have found a faith in God that I never knew possible.

I wouldn't trade the last 6 months for anything. They have been a beautiful blessing. I am anxious to see what my little Lizzybug will achieve in her future. I am excited to be a voice for her, and to help her succeed in life.

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