Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Lizzybug,

Today you turn 5. I can't believe it! Your Daddy and I have loved every second that we have spent with you. From the day that you were born we knew you would stand out. You were so bright eyed, so alert, so unique, so you. I will never forget the look on your dad's face after I pulled through sedation. He was so happy. I instantly loved him more than I ever thought possible. You sealed a bond between us that can never be broken. You made us a family.

Lizzybug, I know this life will be hard and full of challenges. I know there will be times that you will think you can't take another step. There will be times when you want to throw in the towel and declare yourself done. Don't give in. You are worth it. You are beautiful. You are amazing. I will always believe in you. I know that Heavenly Father has great things in store for you. When you feel alone, lost, or scared trust in him. Give him your burdens.

My bug, you made me a Mommy. You taught me more than any other human being could. You taught me how to love, how to fight, how to care, how to laugh, and how to see beauty in everything. Every day you inspire me to be a better person. You and your sister are my everything.

So today, laugh a lot, have fun, grow a little bigger, but please let me cuddle you for a few.

All My Love,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This Week Has Been Tough

It seems like some weeks/days are harder than others. This week has certainly been one of them. Usually, when a week is like this I hide out. Unfortunately, it's been way too busy around our house for that. So most days I was forced to shower, get dressed, and actually go somewhere. I guess that's not a bad thing.

But instead of focusing on the bad parts of my week I won't to focus on the good. On Sunday, I felt love when someone took the time to come sit with me and help out with Liz. That small gesture went farther than that person will probably ever understand. Just knowing that someone cared enough to leave their pew with their family to tend to mine made my day. This week I am thankful for a network of friends who understand what I am going through. Friends who are able to tell me to snap out of it. Friends who aren't afraid to be honest with me. I am thankful for a husband who helps out aorund the house, who helps with the girls, and who loves me even at my worst. I am thankful for those who have called me just to see how I am doing (even if I don't always answer the phone) and for those who have dropped off brownies (hey that was on my list of ways to help out). 

I find that too often I become so consumed my all the negative around me. I need to take the time to focus on the blessings and the angels sent my way. This isn't easy, but gosh dang it, it is worth it! Now I need to find a way to pass on the love.

Monday, February 17, 2014

So What Have I Been Up To?

A few posts back, I talked about wanting to make a difference. With the help of a new friend, I set the plan in motion. It has been such an awesome experience for me. We offcially have a support group in Jackson County, Kansas for special needs parents! Details are in the news clip here.

I want this post to be about my feelings regarding this group. I feel like it is nothing short of a mission from my Heavenly Father. As we have organized this group, we have watched things fall into place better than we could have ever imagined. I feel like people in Jackson County have been praying for something, maybe they never saw it coming in this shape or form, but I do think it was something that was prayed for.

I beleive this group will benefit so many parents who might be feeling lonely or overwhelmed. I think it will give them a place to go.