Sunday, July 27, 2014

Time Please Stop

As I sit here with a sleeping baby on my chest,  I realize how fast time goes by. It doesn't seem like so long ago that this newborn on my chest was Lizzybug. In a few short weeks, our lives will change forever as she walks through the doors of her elementary school.  I can't believe she's entering kindergarten.  I have such a mixture of emotions everything from fear to excitement. My greatest fear is that Liz won't have friends,  that she will be labeled the "weird" kid and be bullied. I pray that at least one child is able to love and accept her. I'm excited because this is is a new adventure for her. My goal is to help her find her wings, to be as independent as possible, and this is the first step for her. So with a leap of faith we are preparing for kindergarten.

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