Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bug and Horses

I don't know if I have mentioned how much Lizzybug loves horses. In fact she is quite remarkable with them. She can get them to do things I can't! She never ceases to amaze me. She can sit in a saddle better than most adults, and she does so with such an ease. She just looks so natural! I don't know how else to describe it. The horses love her just as much as she loves them. For example, just a few weeks ago I was giving the kids a short ride on one of the horses. The horse absolutely refused to move. With some help from a friend, we got him to move. Later, Lizzybug took over holding the horse and led him around the yard. He didn't even hesitate for her, he just followed along.
If Liz goes down to the barn, all the horses flock to her. She just naturally attracts them. I have watched her around horses, and I have personally witnessed the benefits of horses for her. It is because of this that when a friend (and fellow special needs mom) approached me about starting an equine therapy program in our area I told her I was interested in helping. I know this will be a long journey for us, but it will ultimately be rewarding. Now that I have (mostly) recovered from childbirth I am looking forward to the next step of that journey. I am looking forward to seeing what horses can do for other kids with disabilities. This is probably one of the most exciting projects that I have had the oppurtunity to be involved in. It's amazing how much autism has changed my life. I would not be having these amazing experiences without it. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that Lizzybug's diagnosis would be such a blessing in our lives.

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