Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Day Part 2

I was so excited to get Liz off the bus, but it was not what I had expected or hoped for. I had hoped she would come inside and tell me all about her day. Instead, she got off the bus and angrily threw her things down, refusing to talk. I was pretty emotional. I stepped away for a second and slid down onto the floor, buried my head in my hands, and I cried. I cried more at that moment than I had cried all day. Most children come home from their first day and excitedly spill all the details of what they did. My child could not even tell me if she had a good day or not.
It is in these times that I'm so grateful to have my husband. He understands that sometimes autism is just hard. Just knowing he was there to reach out and give me a hug made all the difference. The remarkable thing about having a child with a disability is the insane amount of teamwork spouses have to give. We are a team. We are there to tell the other that it is okay. I really do not know how I could do this alone.
After awhile, Liz calmed down enough to have a snack. That seemed to help her cheer up some. I never did get a lot of details out of her. She told me she liked her teacher and that was about it.
Today when she came home, it was pretty much the same story. I am hoping that as she adjusts things will get easier. For now I am trying to stay strong and roll with the punches.

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