Monday, January 13, 2014

Rants of an Exhausted Momma Bear

I'm so emotionally exhausted I could scream. I am frustrated, beaten down, and worn thin. I have little patience these days for ignorance. Maybe it is the pregnancy hormones or maybe I am just flat out tired of it. I am sick of having to explain my child to people who should understand her. I am sick of fighting a constant battle. Do you know how absolutely exhausting it is to be constantly fighting or educating someone for the benefit of your child? Let me tell you, it's no picnic. Sometimes I feel like a broken record. My Lizzybug loves to ask "Why?" I am constantly answering that question in this house. I often feel like I do the same for adults. I answer the same questions, tell the same stories and, explain the ins and outs over and over and over again. It never ends.

I will continue to stand up for my daughter and others like her. As I stated in my last blog post, I truly believe that I have a God given mission. I will do everything in my power to see that my mission is carried through effectively. If there are certain people who disagree, cause friction, or have a problem with it they can feel free to remove themselves. I am to a point where I don't care. I have very little patience for those who choose to be ignorant and uneducated.

This is my autism mom rant for the night. I am mad and exhausted. Looking forward to locking my family away from the world tomorrow. If only it was something I could do more often.

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