Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rules Of the Game

Next week we begin the SOS Diet. I felt a bit overwhelmed. Normally, my kids tend to snack on the same things. This is going to be very different for my family. These are main rules.

Rule #1 and the most important rule is that nothing can be served the same way in a 48 hour period. Something about the taste, texture, shape, etc. must be changed.
Rule #2 is that Liz needs to eat every meal at the table even her snacks.
Rule #3 is that our meals need to stay between 15-20 minutes.
Rule #4 she needs to be given 3 options at every meal (even snack time).

As soon as we got home from grocery shopping I divided up the snacks. I planned for 2 snacks a day. Liz has school in the A.M. so I think 2 is more than enough when you consider that she is getting 3 things with each snack. I divided each one into ziploc bags (unless something needs to be made, in that case I put in a slip of paper). Each zip loc bag was labeled with Day and Snack #. I told my bigs that they can only have the food in the ziplocs when mommy says it is time. I actually like this divinding of the snacks, and I think I will continue to do it. I bought a few extra snacks for my youngest child to have in the mornings.

Some things I got for snacks:
Apples (green and red)
PB&J sandwiches (different bread, different jam, different texture PB)
Cheese (string cheese, cubed cheese)
Animal Crackers
Granola Bars (different flavors)
Gogurt (different flavors)
Nutrigrain Bars (different flavors)

I basically planned 2 menus and repeated them every 48 hours. This made the planning SO much easier for snacks. The actual meals were easy, the snack were the hard part.

As my husband works nights, Lunch is our family meal most days (even though Liz has lunch at school). Liz is starved by the time she gets of the bus so it works out anyway. Dinners are our lighter "lunch" type meal.

So my plan is (Liz eats Breakfast at school):
Lunch when Liz gets off the bus
Nap Time

Hopefully this works out. The weekend will be a little more tricky. I might have to add in a third snack for those days. We will see. Monday I will begin a daily log on how things are going.

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