Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moving Forward

Liz has been excelling in her private OT. She has now met 2 out of 3 of her major goals. Today her OT told me that she doesn't for see seeing Liz after July. Just a few months ago if I had heard this I would have ran home in tears. I would have been terrified, but I do feel like Liz is having some major break throughs lately. I also know that of she regresses we can always go back. It is still scary to think about, but not nearly as scary as I would have found it 3-4 months ago.
This is a huge step for Liz. When I compare her behavior and struggles to where we were a year ago, I can see a major difference. OT brought out a different side of Liz. She became for social and suddenly less afraid to show who she is to others. This is really a huge mile stone for her.
She is still struggling in speech. While she is more verbal,  her auditory processing disorder will be her greatest obstacle to overcome. I see her struggle with it on a regular basis, but I still see progress. She is talking to us non stop now. It's like she is trying to make up for all those years when she could barely tell us what she wanted or needed. I don't think she ever stops.
It feels so good to be moving forward and seeing progress. Way to go Liz! I am so thankful for the fabulous therapists that we have been able to work with. They have all taken the time to get to know Liz and spend time with her. It has been worth every penny to hire someone private.

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